
The Importance of Cultural Activities in Education

Over the years, the methodology of teaching has progressed to a point where education is no longer about simply imparting academic knowledge to students, but also about encompassing larger aspects of life by including the holistic development of each individual.

Tips & Tricks

10 tips to thrive at ESCA

Each student journey is dependent on a number of factors: genetics, their parents’ means and interest in their schooling, their school of choice, external factors (which can be within the family, local, national or even global, as we learnt in 2020).


Why Speaking a Second Language Makes Such a Difference

At ESCA, we aim to empower students with linguistic flexibility through our comprehensive second-language programmes which include the option of taking Afrikaans, French or IsiZulu as a second language.


Take Note!

An essential habit for students to develop, from as early as Grade 3 or 4, is that of note taking. This is a skill which helps students to retain information and to process it in a meaningful way.

Tips & Tricks

How to channel courage

In March 2020, South Africa had to come to terms with the global pandemic when the announcement came that, like much of the world, we were going into lockdown. That announcement threw us into a VUCA environment, where Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity would thereafter inform our new normal.


Solidarity in the Face of a World Pandemic

Solidarity is a unifying form of agreement, especially among individuals with a common interest. We also associate the meaning of solidarity with an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards and sympathies creating some sense of groups or classes.

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